Electrical Workers' Minority Caucus (EWMC)
EWMC invites all IBEW members to join us for our monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the each month (some exceptions).
We are Sisters and Brothers from Local 213, committed to bringing our communities together and to working in solidarity on advancing human rights. Do you want to get involved? Join us at our next meeting. We welcome all IBEW members! For more information contact us: EWMCBCCHAPTER@gmail.com
EWMC - B.C. Chapter Executive:
- President: Darren Danbrook
- Vice President: Vacant
- Treasurer: Vacant
- Recording Secretary: Vacant
- Member-at-Large: Cade Lundin
EWMC Meetings
Until further notice, EWMC meetings will be held by conference call. For directions on how to join the call please email: EWMCBCCHAPTER@gmail.com
Mission Statement
- To promote equity, inclusion and employment for equity groups at all levels of the IBEW structure.
- To foster leadership development and empower equity groups to become active participants and leaders in the IBEW.
- To assist IBEW equity group members who have discrimination and/or harassment complaints.
- To promote, support and assist the organizing of equity group workers in the IBEW.
- To promote, support and assist in the leadership of the IBEW on the issues and concerns of equity group workers in the IBEW.
- To encourage equity group workers to be greater activists in community and political affairs.
- To be actively involved in Human Rights on issues that impact LGBTQ, women, workers of colour, Indigenous workers and workers with disabilities as well as support organizations that advance the cause of equity group workers.